Part-time Job opportunity at Transition House Association of Nova Scotia

Part-time Job opportunity : 21 Hours weekly.

Transition House Association of Nova Scotia

Office and Project Administrator
Job Description
April 2019

Duties and Responsibilities:
The Office and Project Administrator ensures the efficient day-to-day operation of the THANS office, and supports the work of the THANS Coordinator. Under the direction and supervision of the THANS Coordinator, the Office and Project Administrator will maintain all necessary records, files and processes to ensure an efficient and compliant office and financial operation of THANS, focusing on accuracy, controls and transparency. The Office and Project Administrator will coordinate and support the THANS Coordinator with project and grant funding as specified by the THANS Coordinator and the THANS Management Committee.
Office Administration
• Administrative support to the THANS Coordinator including scheduling, travel arrangements, correspondence, and office management.
• Sorting and distributing in-coming and outgoing mail for THANS;
• Office filing, both electronic and hard copy, document destruction and back-ups, all in compliance with policy and practices;
• Scheduling, drafting agendas, taking minutes/notes at Committee meetings, including but not limited to THANS committee meetings.
• Collect and assemble BOD materials for distribution in advance of BOD meetings;
• Office support for fundraising and project events.
• Assist with monitoring and managing Social Media

Training and Workshops:
• Scheduling and arranging training and workshops as required by THANS member organizations
• Scheduling and arranging training and support as required for the Homeless Individual and Family Information System (HIFIS,) including hardware and software support.
• Other such activities as designated by the Coordinator or Management Committees

Programs and Services:
• Prepare and submit remittances for THANS Health Benefit Plan
• Paula Gallant Memorial Art Therapy Project
• Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund
• Other such activities as designated by the Board

• Comply with all policies of THANS and supporting the THANS Coordinator with monitoring compliance;
• Provide advice and implement recommendations on improvements to financial or administrative procedures and practice