Financial gifts for education, training and small business start up

The Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS) and the founders of the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund are collaborating to provide financial gifts to women and children who’ve experienced the trauma of domestic violence.
The intent and purpose of the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund is to encourage and support the efforts of women and children who have experienced domestic violence to further their education, access skills training programs and start up small businesses.

Financial gifts of up to a maximum of $1,000 to be awarded annually.

who’s eligible?

  • Women and their children who have experienced the trauma of domestic violence and who are using or have used a Transition House/women’s shelter, women’s center or other service which provides services to women.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in or applying for education, training or a skills building program or in the process of starting up a small business.

What is the process for applying?

Applicants must submit a maximum two page story describing their plans and associated costs for education, training or small business startup and how a financial gift from the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund could help cover expenses. Applicants can also share their story about why they accessed a Transition House, women’s shelter or women’s resource agency, what was helpful to them, as well as their dreams for themselves and their families.

An applicant’s story can be hand written or created electronically, and must include contact information. The story must be submitted to the Transition House/women’s shelter or women service where they received their service.  (Please go to to find contact information for Transition Houses in Nova Scotia.  If you are not sure of the name of the organization that provided services to you, please feel free to contact THANS Provincial Coordinator at,  902-429-7287)

When is the deadline for applications?

Applicants must submit their stories to the organization where they accessed services by July 30.

How will the Financial Gifts be Awarded?

  • Agencies who have received applications will remove identifying information from submissions and forward them to THANS (via Canada Post or email) by July 30.
  • The Application Review Team will review the applications in August.
  • Financial gifts of up to $1000 dollars will be awarded annually.
  • Successful applicants will be notified in early September. Financial gifts will be paid directly to learning institutions for tuition or other fees. If recipients are starting up a new business, arrangements for awarding the gift will be made on an individual basis.

Confidentiality: Applications (including name, contact information and story) will remain confidential. Applicants who are awarded financial gifts will remain anonymous unless applicants choose otherwise.


Pamela Gerhardt was a devoted mother of two daughters, a respected paralegal in the local community and a dedicated supporter of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia. Pam’s compassion, humility, generosity and kindness inspired her family and friends to create the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund, to both honour her and to support local women who are rebuilding their lives after experiencing the trauma of domestic violence.


For more information, contact Shiva Nourpanah at THANS:  1-902-429-7287,

To donate to the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund: