Support for Friends & Family

Are you concerned about someone you think is experiencing domestic violence, but don’t know what to do? 

Please visit the Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre for more information.

Women who live with abuse may:

  • Feel shameful and may want to keep the abuse secret.
  • Feel like they are crazy and that there is something wrong within themselves.
  • Feel powerless to change or improve their situation.
  • Fear of reprisal from the abuser.
  • Doubt their own judgement or wonder if they are to blame.
  • Feel increasingly depressed, trapped, and powerless.

Barriers to leaving abuse:

  • Lack of affordable housing.
  • No one will believe her about the abuse.
  • Fear of losing their children.
  • False belief that they will loose everything.
  • Knowledge that the law gives them little protection.
  • False belief that they are responsible for the abuse.
  • He says he’s sorry and won’t do it again.
  • False belief that he’s a good father despite the children hearing or witnessing his abuse.
  • still love their partner.
  • Partner’s threats of suicide if she leaves.
  • Isolation from family and friends.