Bursary Applications: Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund

Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund

Pamela Gerhardt died on March 27, 2012, with her family by her side, in the Palliative Care Unit of the VG Site, QEII Hospital, Halifax. A devoted mother, Pam took most pride in the upbringing and constant love she provided to her two daughters. She was also dedicated to a number of charities, most notably the Transition House Association of NS. She will be remembered for all that makes the world a better place – compassion, humility, generosity and kindness.

The intent and purpose of the Pamela Gerhardt Endowment Fund is to recognize and support women who have used the services of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS.) Bursaries will be awarded to one of our current or former service users (or their children) to encourage and support their efforts to further their education, and to honor their struggles in overcoming the impact and effects of domestic violence. Ms. Gerhardt’s lifelong friends Joan and Wayne Myles, and her daughters Laura O’Donnell and Stephanie Kennettle, will work with THANS to choose the beneficiary.


  • Must be a current or former service user  of a THANS Member Organization or their child
  • Must be enrolled in or applying for further education at a community college, university or trades training facility

To apply for this bursary, applicants must submit a (maximum) two page essay to the THANS shelter/outreach organization where they accessed services. The essay should tell some of their story, and outlines their reasons for furthering their education. Applications to the Endowment Fund will be accepted up to August 8th 2014.

On confirmation of acceptance to the learning institution of their choice, a cheque for $1000.00 will be paid directly to the successful applicant’s tuition. The Bursary will be awarded in the fall of 2014.

Unless the successful applicant chooses otherwise, she will remain anonymous, up to and including the awarding of the bursary.