Domestic Violence Beyond the Pandemic

“Has domestic violence increased?” Since March 2020, this has been one of the most frequent questions that the members of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia and our sister organizations across Canada have been receiving. Like so much else in the sector, the answer is complicated. Reports of increased domestic violence began circulating almost … Read more

Pandemic Pay for Frontline Staff

We appreciate the recognition of the life-saving work done at our organizations by the government through the recent provision of pandemic pay for our frontline staff. #endVAW #genderbasedviolence #womenswork #womensupportingwomen

Deepest Condolences to the Families impacted by the Horrific Mass Murder of 18-19 April 2020, Nova Scotia

We are saddened but in no way shocked to hear mainstream media now confirming that violence against women lay at the heart of this heinous crime. Nor did we consider it “senseless” in view of the unconfirmed reporting happening almost immediately in the aftermath of the attack, pointing to domestic violence as a main motive. … Read more