Ann de Ste Croix
Domestic Violence Beyond the Pandemic
“Has domestic violence increased?” Since March 2020, this has been one of the most frequent questions that the members of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia and our sister organizations across Canada have been receiving. Like so much else in the sector, the answer is complicated. Reports of increased domestic violence began circulating almost … Read more
Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability
We are happy to announce our Provincial Coordinator of the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia, Shiva Nourpanah, has joined the Expert Advisory group at the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, joining an incredible team of dedicated activists, academics and advocates.
Pandemic Pay for Frontline Staff
We appreciate the recognition of the life-saving work done at our organizations by the government through the recent provision of pandemic pay for our frontline staff. #endVAW #genderbasedviolence #womenswork #womensupportingwomen
Work in a Violence-Against-Woman Shelter during a Pandemic
Working in a Transition House during the Pandemic: Where the Norm is Crisis Sheri Taylor began her first day as the new Executive Director of Leeside Society on April 6th, 2020, as the COVID pandemic forced workplaces to close and people were told to stay at home. She asked her outgoing predecessor, Marina Martens, … Read more
Statement on Mass Shooting In Nova Scotia, Canada, 18-19 April 2020
Statement on Mass Shootings In Nova Scotia, Canada, 18-19 April 2020 In the history of violence, the perpetrator of the deadliest mass shooting in Canada’s history had been inflicting on those around him for years, one indisputable fact draws most attention: he was known as a violent man who hoarded weapons. Can we … Read more
THANS AGM (Remote) Tuesday 12 May 2020, 1:30pm Please contact to join
Deepest Condolences to the Families impacted by the Horrific Mass Murder of 18-19 April 2020, Nova Scotia
We are saddened but in no way shocked to hear mainstream media now confirming that violence against women lay at the heart of this heinous crime. Nor did we consider it “senseless” in view of the unconfirmed reporting happening almost immediately in the aftermath of the attack, pointing to domestic violence as a main motive. … Read more
Womens Shelter Canada Will Distribute Funds From Women And Gender Equality Canada
Women’s Shelter Canada has been working very hard to put in places processes ensuring the funds are distributed as efficiently, fairly and equitably as possible. It is a hard yet interesting exercise which brings to light the complexity and full spectrum of vulnerabilities and violences which women face. Read the news release here.
Cancelled Fundraisers Creates Additional Shortfalls In Funding For Charities Already Hard Hit By The Pandemic
Many charities and non-profits have had to cancel fundraisers which brought in a significant portion of their income, sometimes even going towards funding salaried positions. Visit the Harbourhouse Facebook page.