External Resources

Artwork of a pair of hands rendered in many different colours in triangular shapes

Alice House

Has safe second-stage housing and support for women and children in Nova Scotia.

Be the Peace Institute

Is a gender-based violence non-profit for gender equity and social justice.

Bridges Institute

Is a centre that offers support for families and individuals needing counselling.

Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia

Supports women through education, advocacy, housing, employment and emotional support.

Halifax Community Chaplaincy and CoSA (Circles of Support and Accountability)

Enables healing within individuals and communities by facilitating the reintegration of ex-offenders.

Halifax Regional Police

Has support services for victims of domestic violence, sexualized violence, and serious crimes.

Immigrant Migrant Women’s Association of Halifax

Is a non-profit organisation committed to supporting immigrant and migrant women and girls.

Legal Information Society Nova Scotia

Offers free legal information and services, including support for sexual harassment at work.

Legal Referral Guide

Provides navigation through legal information and legal help in Nova Scotia.

LOVE Nova Scotia

Supports youth through programs and healthy relationships through social and emotional learning.

NISA Homes

Offers a safe place for immigrant, refugee, and Muslim women.

Restorative Approach

Offers Restorative facilitation and education for individuals and organisations.

The Youth Project

Serves 2SQTBIPOC+ youth (25 and under).

Women Centres Connect

Provides coordination of association activities and information sharing among Women’s Centres.

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